Every Wednesday

12:00 and 17:00 UK Time

Step 1

Step 2


Thinking In English
Patreon Subscribers

What is

Peter's Grammar Workshop?

  • 45 Minute Zoom Call

  • A new grammar topic every week

  • I will explain the rules and give examples

  • Ask me questions!

  • A worksheet with practice exercises every week

  • Practice speaking activities with other students

  • And if you just want to watch and not speak - THAT'S FINE!

    (you can keep your camera and microphone off)

and FINALLY understand the present perfect tense
(...I know you've been secretly avoiding it!!)

When's the next meeting?

What's the topic?

Step 1:

Step 2:

How to join:

Pay for the Grammar Workshop

Click on one of the links below to pay for the Grammar Workshop, you have to pay before joining the Zoom meeting.

1 Grammar Workshop
peter's grammar workshop one meeting
peter's grammar workshop one meeting
peter's grammar workshop 1 month
peter's grammar workshop 1 month
peter's grammar workshop 3 months
peter's grammar workshop 3 months
1 month Grammar Workshop
1 month Grammar Workshop & Film Club

Join one Peter's Grammar Workshop meeting any time


But your first time is FREE

Promotion code: FIRST-GRAMMAR

Join any Peter's Grammar Workshop for one month

(the next 4 weeks)


per class



Join any Grammar Workshop or Film Club for one month

(4 Grammar, 2 Film Clubs)




per class


Thinking In English
Patreon Subscribers

Join the Zoom Call

Anyone can click on one of these links. They will take you straight to the waiting room of the Zoom Call.

You will be let into the meeting if you have already paid! If not, you will stay in the waiting room!

people meeting in room
people meeting in room
four men sitting beside table
four men sitting beside table
Wednesday at 12:00 UK time

Join the 12pm Workshop

Join the 5pm Workshop

Wednesday at 17:00 UK time